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Multi Seal Pro HD 2500 XE 5 Gallon. Product contains strong synthetic fibers and fillers. Does not contain any adhesives, sticky residues, or latex type residues. Easy cleanup. Best if used as a flat prevention product. Example: install in ATV all 4 tires now so that if you puncture a tire, it's already treated and can seal immediately up to 3/4 inch. Will not dry out inside the tire. Product life is the life of the tire. Continues working to seal punctures and slow leaks. If you purchase the 5 gallon, you will most likely need the pail pump. Look for it. It's a good heavy duty pump. Each pump delivers 8 ounces of the product into the tire.
Multi Seal Pro HD 2500 XE 5 Gallon Pail
- Product Code: Multi Seal Pro HD 2500 XE 5 Gallon Pail
- Availability: In Stock
Tags: Multi Seal, Slime, Tire Sealant, Tire Sealer, Tire Slime