Are you tired of Flat Tires?  The expense.  The time.  The frustration.

  MULTI SEAL® is your best choice!

  • instantly seals huge punctures up to 3/4 inch

  • water washable

  • doesn't dry out inside the tire.  Lasts the life of the tire.

  • uses synthetic fibers and fillers to seal punctures and slow leaks  

  • Amazing results! 

  • Sold all over the world.  Thousands of satisfied customers. 

  • To Order:  If you are tax exempt (example - Farmer), please call us at 806-241-8380 (call or text) or email:  Also, we will be happy to answer any additional questions you might have about the products.

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Seals 90-95% of punctures up to 3/4 inch and helps tires last about 20% longer


Multi Seal is formulated to be an industrial solution to prevent flats, slow leaks and other tire issues.  Recommended use:  Consult application chart to find out how much to treat your tire sizes.  Treat tires on all heavy equipment, tractors, trailers, etc.  Treat tires now so that you don't have problems later.  Protects tires against punctures and slow leaks 90%-95% in the tread.    Also helps seal leaks around the bead and other areas where the tire could be leaking air.

  If you would have considered solid tires or foam filled tires, try MULTI SEAL first. Customers in landfillls and other heavy demanding situations tell us that they go from 2 to 3 flat tire issues per week to sometimes more than a year without a flat tire.  

At just a fraction of the cost of new tires, repeated tire repairs, or solid tires, MULTI SEAL keeps you on the road.

To Order:   Call 806-241-8380 or

  • Tires last longer. 
  • No Latex, no glue, no sticky mess. 
  • Easily water washable. 
  • Product lasts the lifecycle of the tire.  Won't dry out. 
  • Non-Flammable. 
  • Freeze protected to -35F.   
  • You can greatly reduce expenses for tire repairs, downtime, new tires, and more.

Not designed for tires with internal TPMS.  ie:  not for cars or light duty trucks. 

MULTI SEAL is fine at higher speeds (greater than 50mph) as long as the vehicle is 1 ton or greater.  Also, make sure you only treat with on-road ounces.  Adding too much sealant can cause balance issues.

Our recommendation is that you should balance the tires first in any high speed vehicle before installing MULTI SEAL.  Great with entire fleets of construction vehicles, ATV's, Golf Carts, Agriculture, trailers and more.

 You could SAVE UP TO 50% OF OVERALL TIRE MAINTENANCE COSTS! Tires last 20% longer.  Customers report they are able to get the full value from their tires.

To Order:  Call 806-241-8380, or email:



MULTI SEAL® is scientifically formulated to VIRTUALLY ELIMINATE air loss due to punctures and slow leaks.  MULTI SEAL® is the Leader in Industrial Tire Sealant Technology.

More than 40 YEARS of Proven Performance, manufactured in Spring, Texas.

  • seals much larger punctures than competitive products (MULTI SEAL Pro HD 2500 routinely seals about 3/4 inch!)
  • leaves no sticky residue on the tire or the rim
  • contains KEVLAR and other fibers and fillers
  • best of all, one treatment lasts for the life of the tire!  It never dries up inside the tire!

To Order:  Call Karen at 806-241-8380 or

MULTI SEAL® is an Extreme HEAVY-DUTY Tire Sealant

All MULTI SEAL® Formulas include:

  • Fibers (Super Strong Synthetic Fibers Including KEVLAR and other synthetic fibers and fillers)  Fibers are lightweight, durable, strong.
  • No sticky glue or adhesives or sticky mess
  • Non-Toxic and water washable.  Also patchable repairable and retreadable
  • NOT Like any other tire sealant!

Your decision to install MULTI SEAL into most of the tires in your fleet could be the best performance, most economical, and highest return on investment decision you'll ever make!

Great for Industrial, Agriculture, Construction, Trailers, Landfills, ATV/UTV, Lawnmowers, etc.



  •  MULTI SEAL® will really make a difference in performance and safety!
  •  Flat Tires are EXPENSIVE (Tire Repair Cost, Downtime, Potential Injuries)
  •  Flat Tires are Inconvenient and a Hassel
  •  Tires will last 20% longer!
  •  MULTI SEAL® causes no damage to the tire or the rim
  •  MULTI SEAL® is completely water washable and easy to patch if necessary
  •  MULTI SEAL® Pro HD 2500 routinely seals punctures as large as ¾ inch
  •  Thousands of satisfied customers Absolutely LOVE MULTI SEAL®
  •  It's a SUPERIOR TIRE SEALANT backed by science and experienc



  • Prevent up to 95% of flat tires.  95% effective up to 3/4 inch!
  • Instantly seal tread punctures up to 3/4 inch in all tires from ATV to Heavy Duty Construction and Farming Tires (PRO HD 2500™ Formula)
  • Instantly seal tread punctures up to 1¼ inch in tires Heavy Ply Tires  (ARMOR 3500™)
  • Seal tread punctures, bead leaks, porosity leaks, rim leaks
  • Maintain Air Pressure
  • Extend Tire Life by 20%
  • Reduce Downtime and Increase Productivity
  • Cost Effective
  • Reduce Blowouts
  • One Treatment Lasts the Life of the Tire
  • Fibers and Fillers stay suspended in the liquid.  No mixing required.
  • Won't freeze.  Not flammable.  From -35°F to +250°F
  • How long will it last?  It won't go bad or dry up.
  • 100% Water Washable for Easy Cleanup
  • No adhesives.  No latex.  Doesn't stick to tire or rim.
  • No Damage to Tire or Rim
  • There is absolutely
    • No Drying
    • No Curing
    • No Chemical Reaction
    • MULTI SEAL® forms a mechanical/physical seal with fibers and fillers
  • Easy Installation Through Valve Stem
  • Non-Toxic
  • No Chemical Reaction.  Simply air pressure forces fibers and fillers into the puncture site forming a dense plug.
  • MULTI SEAL® has conditioners and rust and corrosion inhibitors
  • Increase tire life.
  • Maintains proper air pressure.
  • Fuel Savings.
  • Reduced Downtime.
  • Prevent Flats!
  • Trusted since 1981.  Made in USA (Spring, Texas)
  • MULTI SEAL® may be the cheapest insurance you'll ever buy
  • Reduced Tire Repair/Replacement
  • Reduced Damage to Wheels and Equipment
  • Reduced Fuel Costs
  • Reduced Service Calls
  • Reduced Downtime of Employees and Equipment
  • Longer Tire Life
  • Not heavy like solid/foam filled tires
  • Long-term effectiveness


Think about how much MULTI SEAL® could save you.  There is a worksheet attached to this page to help you determine how much MULTI SEAL you will need to treat your fleet.  You can compare it with your estimates of how much money you are spending on Tire Repairs, Blowouts, Equipment Damage, Down-time of Equipment and Employees, Service Calls, and Extending Tire Life.  And Remember, Flat Tires never happen at a convenient time or place.  You'll come out ahead by treating the fleet with MULTI SEAL


To Order:  Call 806-241-8380 or

Remember:  No Sealant is 100% Perfect.  However, long-term field evaluations show that MULTI SEAL® sealants prevent up to 95% of tire failures from punctures and under inflation. So, try MULTI SEAL®!


Pro HD 2500™ XE Industrial Heavy Duty 

Seals up to 3/4 inch punctures.  Best Seller! 

  • 95% effective. 
  • Seals 3/4" punctures in all tires from ATV to Heavy Duty Farming and Construction Tires
  • Tractors and Implement tires, Construction including Maintainers/blades and Loaders, Skid Loaders, Backhoes, Fork Lifts, Trailers, 18-wheelers, Dump trucks, sanitation trucks, sand and gravel hauling trucks, otr trucks, UTV/ATV, Golf carts, lawn mowers.
  • Can be used in Tubed type tires, but effectiveness drops from 95% to about 70-75% effective
  • See Application Chart for PRO HD 2500 and ARMOR 3500 lower on this page for recommended amount per tire.
  • See price sheet at bottom of this page, or go to products page to order
  • ***note:  Use caution with vehicles with TPMS.  Please give us a call.
  • ***note:  if highway speeds, recommended for 1-ton or above, including 18-wheeler type vehicles. Please call for recommended dosage per tire. 
  • ***safe for trailers including travel trailers if using the recommended on-road amount when consulting the application chart or call us.
Call for pricing or consult shopping cart
Contact 806-241-8380 or

Armor 3500™ EX is an Extreme Heavy Duty

Can seal punctures 1 inch +.  Tires must be at least 18ply to achieve these results.  


  • ARMOR 3500 XE is designed for the worst conditions.  Extra heavy duty.
  • Seals 1¼ inch in Heavy Ply Tires (18 ply or greater)
  • Tractors, Articulated Loaders, Road Graders
  • Military Vehicles
  • Logging Equipment
  • Landfills, Demolition
  • Heavy Construction Vehicles
  • Mining
  • See Application Chart for PRO HD 2500 and ARMOR 3500 at the bottom of this page
  • See price sheet at the bottom of this page, or go to products tab to order
Call 806-241-8380 for pricing.  Or consult shopping cart.  Remember if you are tax exempt, you will need to make the phone call to place your order.

Hydro 1500™  (for water or liquid filled tires only) 

Seals up to 1/2 inch in liquid filled tires only

  • This formula is only for ballast tires including water, Anti-Freeze, Calcium Chloride, Beet Juice, or any ballast-filled tires
  • Tractors, Mowers
  • Loaders, Boom Lifts, Cranes
  • Reach Forklifts
  • Application amount is 1 part HYDRO 1500 to 10 parts water
  • See Application Chart at the bottom of this page for exact dosage information and instructions
  • ***note:  this formula will NOT work in regular air filled tires
Call 806-241-8380 for pricing.  Or consult shopping cart.  Remember if you are tax exempt, you will need to make the phone call to place your order.






1.  MULTI SEAL offers serious puncture protection.  Routinely seal punctures as large as 3/4" and larger  (other brands between 1/8" to 1/4")

2.  MULTI SEAL lasts for the life cycle of the tire (other brands typically become ineffective after 0-2 years)

3.  MULTI SEAL is easily water washable with no sticky mess (other brands are adhesive or latex based and may wash with water, but are a sticky mess)


How Much Does a Flat Tire Really Cost?  And is it Dangerous to change a flat?

  • Flat tires from road debris, rough terrain, blowouts, heat and pressure can cause...
  • EXPENSIVE tire repairs
  • Equipment damage
  • Downtime
  • Potential Injuries.

Install MULTI SEAL® now, and enjoy 24/7 protection!
No damage to tire or rim.  Completely water washable.  
Punctures seal almost instantly with very little air loss.  The seal lasts the life of the tire.
If you're tired of flat tires, MULTI SEAL® is the right product for you!

Prevent 95% of flats with MULTI SEAL® 

  • Changing a flat tire is relatively simple, yet can be dangerous
  • Big tires can fall on you
  • Oncoming traffic or flying road debris can cause injuries
  • The vehicle can fall
  • Under-inflated tires are more prone to damage than properly inflated tires

Benefits of proper tire inflation:  

Keeping tires properly inflated... 

  • Increases Fuel Economy
  • Increases Safety
  • Tires last longer
  • Increased UP time
  • Increased productivity

Punctures and slow leaks including bead leaks and natural rubber porosity are leading causes of under-inflation


The National Traffic Safety Association in 2006 said:

  • Over 80% of blowouts are directly related to under-inflation
  • More than 8 out of 10 tires are under-inflated
  • Under-inflation causes friction
  • Friction causes heat
  • Heat causes delamination of the tire at about 250°F
  • This causes the casing and tread to separate
  • Resulting in a BLOWOUT

 To order:  Call 806-241-8380 or


"Being a landfill, our vehicles are constantly running through some pretty tough debris.  Prior to implementing MULTI SEAL, we were experiencing daily flats ... Now we are running 100% flat free"

- Sil Rivera, Covel Gardens Landfill, A Waste Management Company

"I manage a fleet of several hundred vehicles ranging from lawnmowers to earth-movers.  I have tried MULTI SEAL in almost every application and have never been so impressed with a product". 

- Ray Engels, Teufel Nursery

"We would go into lumber mills and pick up nails and foreign objects in the tires ...  After I made the decision to have MULTI SEAL installed ... I can't remember the last time I had an issue"

- Dan McFarlane, McFarlanes Bank

"Old dry rotted tires have not gone flat since adding this stuff over a year ago.  2 thumbs up!  I highly recommend"

- C. Sowards

"The only downtime due to flat tires and blowouts I have now is from untreated tires"

- Steve Brewster, Fed Ex Ground Delivery Service

"I think it's a little too effective.  Some of my "regular" customers don't call me anymore.  Since some of my best customers have started using MULTI SEAL, they still call me for new tires when the tread has worn off and it's time for new tires, but my business for flat repairs has gone way down"

- The Tire Guy

"At first I thought 'Well, I'll just use this as a flat fix, because how will I know if I get a flat?'  Then I thought about it, and decided that I would be better off treating my tires ahead of time and going back to the old addage of IT'S BETTER TO HAVE IT AND NOT NEED IT THAN TO NEED IT AND NOT HAVE IT so I've treated my tires ahead of time with MULTI SEAL, and I am happy with the results.  I had a big bolt in the rear tire of my 3/4 ton truck.  Because I had MULTI SEAL in the tire already, I did not have a flat tire or blowout.  Plus, I've never had balance issues with the product.  I'm very pleased with MULTI SEAL." 

- BL Jones

Questions and Answers (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is MULTI SEAL® the same as other sealants?

No!  MULTI SEAL® does not contain glues, adhesives or latex.  MULTI SEAL® does not cause damage to the tire or the rim.  Will not freeze.  Is not flammable.  Water Washable.  Completely repairable (if needed as in the case of a slice).  Completely re-treadable.  Will not dry out inside the tire.  Environmentally friendly.  Contains super strong fibers including Kevlar and other synthetic fibers and fillers.  One treatment lasts the life of the tire.  Stays liquid inside the tire and will not dry out.  Some formulas of MULTI SEAL® can be used with either off-road or on-road use.  Other formulas are off-road use only.  Any MULTI SEAL® FORMULA will give your tires the best available protection!  MULTI SEAL®  is backed by over 35 years of science and testing.  And, it's made in Texas!

MULTI SEAL® is designed to be used to PREVENT flat tires.  When used as recommended ...

  • 95% effective in sealing punctures up to 3/4 inch
  • Seals punctures and slow leaks instantly
  • Seals leaks around the rim, bead and other porosity leaks
  • Fewer Flats
  • Longer Lasting Tires
  • Less Downtime
  • Saves Money
  • Saves Time

Does MULTI SEAL® really work?

Yes!  Demonstrated over millions of miles driven by trucks and heavy machinery, such as Tractors, Earth Moving Equipment and more, TIRE MAINTENANCE COSTS ARE GREATLY REDUCED, as is loss of productive time (downtime) caused by tire failures.  Proven 95% effective in sealing punctures.  Used by Farmers, Road Construction, Mowing, Mining, Earth Moving, Trucking and more.

How large of a puncture will it seal?

  • Pro HD 2500™ seals ¾ inch in regular tires
  • Armor 3500™ seals 1¼ inch in heavy ply tires
  • Hydro 1500™ seals ½ inch in Hydro Tires
  • MULTI SEAL with KEVLAR™ for personal use seals ½" in regular tires

Is it like "Slime"?

No.  "Slime" is an adhesive based product which might temporarily seal a leak.  Unfortunately, it also dries out in the tire carcass and over time loses its effectiveness.  MULTI SEAL® is a glycol based product which does not contain any glue or latex.  It will not harden or dry out inside the tire and is entirely water washable.  MULTI SEAL™ used advanced sealing technology of fibers and fillers.

Will it freeze or is it flammable?

It can withstand temperatures to -30ºF.  It is not flammable either.  Tested to +250ºF.  MULTI SEAL's® contains no glues or adhesives.  It will not freeze and will not cause your tires to heat up.  Additionally, because of the advanced sealing properties of the fibers and fillers, there is reduced chance of a blowout due to the tire losing air pressure and heating up.  It instantly seals small punctures and bead leaks.  And, it has corrosion protection for both the tire and the wheel.

How is MULTI SEAL® Installed?

Typically MULTI SEAL® is pumped in through the valve stem after the valve stem core has been removed and the tire deflated to about 20psi or less.  You may used either the 5 gallon pail pump, or the 1 ounce pump for the gallon container, or the quarts have a built in installation tube.  MULTI SEAL® also has an injection cart to make treating a fleet of equipment or trucks much faster.  MULTI SEAL® also offers pre-measured bags which can be used when mounting the tire. 

Will MULTI SEAL® damage the tire or the rim?

No!  There is nothing in the product which will cause damage to the tire/wheel assembly.  Plus MULTI SEAL® contains rust and corrosion inhibitors as well as conditioners for the tire.

Does MULTI SEAL® affect the balance of the tire?

When installed in a vehicle 1-ton or larger like an 18-wheeler, properly dosed tires will not have balance issues.  MULTI SEAL® does not recommend installation of the product into passenger cars or light duty pick-ups.  Aside from balance issues, Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems may be affected by MULTI SEAL®

Is MULTI SEAL® effective in sidewall punctures?

Sometimes.  Sidewalls are more difficult to seal.  We see sidewall punctures up to 1/4 inch sealed in MULTI SEAL® treated tires.

What makes MULTI SEAL® so effective?

It is a glycol based product which uses synthetic fibers including Kevlar® and fillers and other special components.  The fibers and fillers stay in suspension  with no mixing required.  When the tire is pre-treated with MULTI SEAL® and a puncture happens, these fibers and components are pushed into the puncture site by air pressure inside the tire.  When this happens, the punctures are instantly sealed.  It's like plugging a tire from the inside out.  The plug that is formed is very dense, and stays in place.  The process usually only takes about 3 revolutions of the tire, and very little air pressure is lost.  

Does MULTI SEAL® help prevent blowouts?

Yes!  Most blowouts are caused by under-inflated tires.  Most under-inflation is caused by unnoticed slow leaks in the bead, pinhole punctures in the tire, or possibly porosity issues in the tire.  At highway speeds, an under-inflated tire heats up, causing a blowout.  MULTI SEAL® is effective in stopping all those pesky slow leaks.

Can a tire with MULTI SEAL® be patched?

Yes.  Beause it is water washable, a puncture site can be cleaned, buffed, dried and patched.  NO STICKY RESIDUE!!!!

Will MULTI SEAL® prevent leaks around an embedded puncture?

Yes.  The process of sealing punctures is the same whether or not the penetrating object remains in the tire.  When a puncture occurs, the escaping air carries MULTI SEAL® to the puncture site.  The fibers cling to the side of the punctue and form a "filter" which entraps the fillers.  A plug is formed which seals the leak instantly with almost no air loss.  As the tire flexes under load, the fiber/filler mass compresses to form a dense plug.  The process is the same whether or not the penetrating object remains in the tire. If you choose to remove the penetrating object, you will need to IMMEDIATELY drive the tire for several rotations.  Remember, MULTI SEAL® is a liquid.  If you see a penetrating object in the tire, that object will always be on the part of the tire you can see.  This means that if the object is at the top of the tire, and all the MULTI SEAL® is at the bottom of the tire, it will not seal unless you drive the vehicle a few rototations.  Also, sometimes, an object has been in the tire for a very long time, causing very smooth edges to both the object and the rubber in the tire.  If you pull an object and it doesn't seal right away, you might try to roughen the puncture site up so the fibers will have something to cling to.  Then drive a few rotations.  

Can MULTI SEAL® be used in a tubed tire?

Yes.  It can be used, but the effectiveness reduces from 95% to 70-75%.

Will I get an accurate tire pressure reading?

Yes.  There is no glue, so there is nothing to interfere with the tire pressure reading.  Try to make sure your valve stem is between the 10 and 2 position for the most accurate reading.

Can MULTI SEAL® be installed in tires with pressure monitoring?

The simple answer is that it depends on the type of TPMS system.  Some are designed to be compatible with any liquid.  Many specifically state that they are not compatible with liquids and that liquids could cause an error code.  Beware of sealants that state they are "TPMS Safe" as this really depends on the type of TPMS system.  There is nothing magical that is added to make the sealant "TPMS Safe" ... a liquid is a liquid.  Be sure to read the fine print.   General guidelines:  Some TPMS are internal, and MULTI SEAL is not recommended for these sensors.  However, some TPMS are compatible with MULTI SEAL.  These include rim mounted or banded sensors, flow through valve stem mounted sensor and standard valve stem mounted sensor.  If in doubt, please contact the MULTI SEAL corporate office at 800-577-3353.  Tires should be balanced prior to installing MULTI SEAL™.  Tires should be free of other additives such as Fix-A-Flat or any balancing aids. Correct dosage is critical in high-speed vehicles.

Can MULTI SEAL® be used to fix a flat?

Yes.  It can be.  But the most effective use is to prevent flats in the first place by having MULTI SEAL®installed in the tire before the puncture occurs.  Depending on the age of the tire, and what damage the tire has, it may or may not respond to MULTI SEAL®.  There are some thing you can do to increase your chances of sealing the puncture.  If you have trouble with a tire, please try to give us a call and we'll do our best to troubleshoot with you.

Can MULTI SEAL® be used in liquid-filled tires?

Yes!  It's one of the only products available on the market today that is compatible with liquid-filled tires.  MULTI SEAL HYDRO 1500™ is a special formulation.  There is a different application chart for the Hydro 1500™ formula.  Additioanlly, there is a slightly different application technique.  The application amount is 10 parts liquid to 1 part Hydro 1500™.

In what types of equipment would you recommend MULTI SEAL®?

Vehicles ranging from wheelbarrows to heavy earth moving equipment, tractors, construction equipment, trailers, 18-wheelers and more. 

How much MULTI SEAL® should I put into each tire?

Dosage rates are based on tire size. Different tire sizes require different amounts.  Also, if you will be using the vehicle for on-road driving at highway speeds, please do not over-treat.  You will notice a column on the chart specifically for on-road ounces.  This is very important.  We don't want you to over-treat and cause balance problems.  

Can MULTI SEAL® be used to help balance tires?

While MULTI SEAL® was not specifically engineered as a balancing fluid, we can report that many of our "over-the-road" customers say that MULTI SEAL® works great as a hydro-balancer in semi-truck tires.

Is MULTI SEAL® compatible with other tire sealants?

While nothing bad will happen if you have another sealant in the tire, the results won't be the same as treating a tire that is clean and does not have any other sealants in it.  If your tires already have other tire sealants installed, it is best to remove the other sealant before the addition of MULTI SEAL®.  Other tire sealants have glues, adhesives, or latex.  These products coat the inside of the tire.  If those products are coating the inside of the tire, it is less likely that MULTI SEAL® will be able to reach the puncture site and effectively seal it.  Additionally, other sealants, when combinded with MULTI SEAL® tend to cause balance issues.  So, if you can, please remove the other sealant first.  Install MULTI SEAL® into clean tires when possible.

To Order:  Call 806-241-8380 or

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See how MULTI SEAL® and AIR FILTER BLASTER® will keep you going.
Give us a call or send us an email to get more information.

KAREN 806.241.8380